EarthLink | Move Season Campaign

Move Season — Memorial Day to Labor Day — is peak season for internet companies. It’s also the biggest annual marketing campaign for the EarthLink brand since Americans are 60% more likely to move (and change their internet service as part of their relocation). Since 67% of people say that internet availability in an area impacts their desire to move there, it’s prime time to communicate with prospects and customers.

  • • Ease the move process for existing customers to reduce churn

    • Increase top of mind awareness among prospects in highly serviceable areas

  • • Existing active fiber or DSL residential customers

    • Exclusions from distribution list:WHI, Mobile, Premium Mail, Web Hosting, ACP

  • May 22 - September 5

    • Email signup form launched 5/22

    • Moving checklist available for download

    • Emails launch 6/14 through 8/26

    • Rolling content releases

  • • Paid search ads

    • Customer emails

    • Prospect emails

    • Inline & right rail ads

    • Gated web content

    • SEO blog content

    • Organic social posts

    • Paid social ads

    • Video

  • • Email Open Rate: 25%

    • Move Call Volume: 20% increase

    • Move Conversion: 10% increase

    • Social Engagement: 20% increase of link clicks

    • Prospect Capture: 5000

Organic Page ^ & Paid Search Page >

 Campaign Landing Pages

Custom Blog & Social Graphics

 Campaign Video